Wednesday 11 September 2013

I was nominated for the Liebster Award!

Hello everyone! This is not a typical beauty post today, as a few days ago the lovely LuLu commented on one of my posts saying she had nominated me for the Liebster award, so naturally I was like "sorry, whaaaat?" I then quickly discovered the concept of the award and what it's about and I was honoured that someone would even consider picking me, so thank you LuLu! :)

Basically the award is a tag where someone tags you to be nominated and if you are nominated then you have to answer the 10 questions left for you by that person, then tag another 10 people and leave them 10 questions to answer!

The rules are pretty straight forward:
1. The tagged/nominated blogs must have under 200 followers

2. Tag the blog that nominated you
3. Let the people you tagged know so that they can respond

So it's basically about getting new bloggers or bloggers that aren't well-known out there and expanding the blogging community! :)

The questions left for me:

1.When you bake what is your go to thing to make?

Well, off to a great start here.. I don't really cook, or bake. I'm terrible at anything to do with food. My parents literally banned me from the kitchen cause they were terrified I was going to kill myself accidentally for 17 years and then in my last year at school, they made me take a cooking class.. I must admit, I was pretty good and I got an A (yay!) but I've forgotten it all now.. That being said, I did once make a smashing chocolate cake and my Mum ate the entire thing within 3 days. TRUTH.

2.What is your favourite book?

To be honest I don't read as much as I used too, I was a total book nerd when I was younger and I never had my head out a book, however with the take over of technology and the fact I'm at Uni I never have time for casual reading cause I'm reading Uni stuff! However I will always love the Harry Potter series and it is probably my favourite book series.. Also I am currently trying to get through Pride and Prejudice!

3.What item of clothing are you wearing the most at the moment?

I know it's boring, but probably a oversized, cosy hoody. I've missed wearing them! It's starting to get cold here in Scotland and we strangely had a kinda hot summer, so I was itching to get back into my hoodies and man, it feels good to be home!

4.Cardigans or Jumpers?

Definitely more of a jumper kinda girl, I always find it awkward wearing cardigans, no idea why.

5.Would you rather not wash your hair for 2 weeks or go 2 weeks without wearing any makeup?

Definitely go 2 weeks without wearing make-up.. When I was younger in school I was always the girl that never wore make-up, and tbh I still go loads of days without wearing any, however I always do my hair. Truth is, I'm just lazy and can't be bothered some days to make myself look pretty haha!

6.What is your favourite fast food?

Gotta love some chicken nuggets and chips from McDonalds!

7.City that you would love to live in one day?

It's not a city so to speak, but the only other place that I've been to that feels like home to me is Hout Bay in South Africa, so I would love to retire and move there one day.

8.What are your makeup essentials?

Definitely my Rimmel Stay Matte powder and a mascara (don't really have a favourite right now) but if I was in a rush and was putting make-up on, I'd pick those two things and go!

9.Who is your favourite blogger? 

I have to say the person to inspired me to start blogging - the lovely Zoella! However I do have loads more and I'm hoping (once I work out how to do it) to put a little blogroll or blogs I read daily tab thing (if anyone could help me do that, it would be great!) so you'll see more of them soon hopefully. :)

10.If you haven't already would you consider making youtube videos? (If you have a channel what made you start?)

I do have a YouTube channel but I haven't posted in about a year.. I just wasn't feeling it and I feel it was a bit too out of my comfort zone.. However, I do have plans of making YouTube videos again, I'm just not brave enough the now, but I do have plans for the near future, so stay tuned and suscribe if you would like here :)

The people I tag:
My questions for you:

1) What's your favourite quote?

2) What are some of your favourite songs at the moment?

3) What is your top beauty tip?

4) In 5 years time, where do you want to see yourself?

6) If you are running out the door and don't have time to do your usual make-up and only have time to apply 3 things, what would you apply?

7) What's your favourite skincare product?

8) What is your guilty pleasure?

9) What's one weird and random fact about yourself?

10) Finally, why did you start blogging, and what is your favourite part of blogging? :)

So that's about it for this post, I hope you have enjoyed reading it! I know it's not a typical beauty post, but do not worry, tomorrow I have an exciting review for you all so stay tuned! Again thank you to LuLu for nominating me!

Have a lovely day and don't stop smiling. :)

Hannah, xx


  1. Thanks Sweetie, I'm going to get working on this but I might be a bit slow, this doesn't mean I don't appreciate it! I feel like I should answer the questions now and pass it on later! I used to love answering random questions in the early days of the internet, in a way this could be considered a late 90's trend!


    Beauty, Miscellany

  2. OMG I love it that you said McDonald's! hahaha Doesn't matter how many times I eat it and feel rubbish afterwards, I keep going back for more. I swear they put crack on that food! LOL xx

    1. McDonalds honestly is addicting and I totally agree, you always feel crap afterwards but at the time it's like being in heaven! :)

  3. Thanks for the nomination!

    mybeautysleuth x

  4. Hi lovely, your answers are great! I think the Liebster Award is a great thing for new bloggers, unfortunately many nominees don't take the time to write an article.
    It's hard to be a new blogger out there, I know what I'm talking about!

    Keep it strong ;)

    Check out my blog maybe? xx

    Cute And Wild

    1. I think it's a great idea and when I was nominated I was so honoured! Just followed you, you have an awesome blog! :) xx

  5. I would 100% rather ditch make up than have dirty hair haha!

    Tara xo

    1. I'm the same, my hair is my number one priority! :)

  6. Hello! Thanks for tagging me :) I've reposted on my blog
    Thanks again :)

    1. It's no problem, just saw it there, great answers! :) xx

  7. Hehe I was nominated for this award and recently did 1 myself :)
    great way of connecting new bloggers with new followers to!
    good questions:)
    I have just started my own beauty blog if you could follow me that would be great! thank you xx
    <3 Dawn <3

    1. It is a great way to expand the community :)


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