Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Soap & Glory Super-Colour Fabulipstick Collagen Boosting Lipstick in The Missing Pink - Review & Swatches!

Hello everyone! Before we start this post.. How long is the name of this lipstick?! When I was writing it out for the title I was like wait.. Is this for real?! Why is this so long?! Oh well.. Today I'm here talking about a little something I picked up a few months ago that I just thought "meh, I'll give it a go!" and now.. I absolutely love it! It's The Missing Pink by Soap & Glory.

I had never really looked at Soap and Glory's make-up until I heard Sammi from Beauty Crush mention it in her YouTube videos, especially the lipstick Pom Pom which she wears here so the next time I went into Boots, there was a 3 for 2 offer on so I had already picked 1 thing and I thought, why not get something from Soap & Glory? So after looking at their make-up range, especially their lipsticks, and after debating what one to get I ended up getting this and another shade, Guavarama, but this is by far my most worn lipstick out of the two!

The packaging on the outside, like the case, is alright I suppose. Black plastic with the name on it, pretty standard. The actual lipstick tube is a lot nicer though, with the gold plating and I especially love what S&G have done with the actual lipstick itself, by printing their logo onto the lipstick - a classy look for a drugstore make-up product, making it look high-end! 

As you can see from the swatch below it comes out as a dull pink nude.. I think that's the best way to describe it anyway! It's basically a "your lips but better" colour and I know there are about 10 billion lipsticks that do this but I haven't seen anyone talk about this one and it deserves some credit!

I bought this after swatching it with the intention that if running out the door/on the bus to Uni/between classes at Uni I can just quickly put this on without a mirror and boom, lipstick done.

As you can see by my extreme pose below, on the lips it definitely is a your lips but better shade for me, it might be the perfect your lips but better shade for me actually! It gives my lips a slightly more pinkish tone but honestly, it just makes my lips look so much better in a very natural way. 

When applied, it is super smooth and soft on the lips and doesn't dry them out as it has a satin finish. It has a staying power of about 3 hours before you need to reapply, which I don't mind as it doesn't leave an annoying stain around the edge of my lips like some lipsticks do when they wear away, it just fades away, so I can easily reapply it without a mirror and it's fine again.

Overall, for not doing any research on this lipstick, I really like it. It's a great everyday colour, it's got a satin finish so it's nice and smooth, it's easy to apply as you don't need a mirror and it lasts for a decent(ish) amount of time! I would definitely recommend and you can get it here for £9 (most of the time you can get it cheaper as Boots always has offers on!)

So that's about it for this post, hope you enjoyed reading this little review. Have you tried any of the Soap & Glory make-up? I haven't tried any of their skincare products yet but I really want too, I think next time I'm in Boots I'll give one a go.. Have you got any recommendations? Please let me know!

Have a lovely day and don't stop smiling. :)

Hannah, xx


  1. Looks really nice I really like their sexy mother pucker lip gloss sticks so will have to try this one out!

    Mybeautysleuth x


    1. I've not tried them although I have heard they are great, their lipsticks are really good! :) x

  2. this is exactly the kinda colour ive been looking for! thanks for reviewing it :)

    www.tigerlilybeauty.blogspot.co.uk | UK beauty blog


  3. I never got into Soap & Glory make up, but this lipstick looks awesome! THe shade looks lovely on you. xx


    1. Thank you! I have an eyeshadow palette from them as well and I love it :) xx

  4. Oooo I really want to try this! That color looks really good on you. <3

  5. didnt know they did lipsticks, need to check this out x

    1. Yeah they have a whole make-up brand, it's great! x

  6. Great post, the colour really suits you x
    Would you like to follow each other on bloglovin or gfc? x


    1. Thanks :) I'm pretty sure I already do follow you haha x

  7. Oh wow you are such a beautiful girl and these posts are lovely. I followed on bloglovin. My blog alials.blogspot.co.uk if you want to check it out x

  8. The colour really suits you, lovely pics as well!


  9. Hi Hannah - I've tagged you to do the 'Beauty Things I Suck At' tag :)

    1. Aw thank you, I read it before knowing you had tagged me haha! I'll have my post up soon :) xx

  10. this looks lovely! and the colour really suits you!!



  11. oooh I've never looked at soap and glory lipsticks but this colour looks gorgeous! I don't like the packaging but I love how they've engraved the logo onto the actual bullet, it looks so much better with the lid of. Suits you!


    Hannah xoxo

    1. Yeah the packaging is just average but the product itself is lovely! :) Thank you! xoxo

  12. I really like Soap & glory's make up, I use their under eye concealer and their peach party blush and the sexy mother pucker lip gloss! All of their products have such quirky names don't they ha



    1. I also have their eye primer and one of their eyeshadow palettes, the neutral one :) xx

  13. oh wow, this looks beautiful!

    check out my latest posts?

  14. wow that color looks beautiful on you!

    new follower!

    1. Thank you! :) I just followed you on bloglovin :)

  15. The colour looks really nice. It's quite subtle, which I quite like :)


  16. Looks like it wouldnt suit me much, but looks gorgeous on you!


  17. This sounds really good, I love the shade and like you said - it looks a really great everyday colour!

    Millie x

  18. Lipstick looks amazing on you <3 Always love a good ''my lips but better'' shade :)


  19. Ooh this is so nice! The supercat eyeliner is really good from them! X

    1. Ooooh I will look out for it next time I'm at their counter! x

  20. I was unsure whether or not to buy this, but I think I will now! :)

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