Wednesday 9 October 2013

Update - Blogging & Uni

Hi everyone! I haven't wrote a blog post in what seems like forever as I've had some backed up for you guys. I thought I'd write just a chatty one today to ease me back into the world of blogging.

First of all, apologies for not commenting back if you have commented on previous posts, I really haven't had the time because of Uni - I've literally been thrown into a sea of work and I'm so busy every day already, so I will try answer them very soon. :)

Next, is my blogging schedule. I've finally decided to put up a post once every 3 days. It's not as much as I want too, as I'd love to post every 2 days but I know it would stress me out too much with having Uni work and trying to blog as well, I hardly have enough hours in the day as it!

Unfortunately when we get into November and December it might be pushed to 4 days as I have so many deadlines and exams during that period, however I am determined to at least post a couple of times a week for you guys, as I really do love blogging and it is a way to relax for me, but obviously my Uni work will come first.

I hope you all understand why I won't be blogging as much for a couple of months but I promise that as soon as mid-December is over, I will be back will full force with normal daily/every 2 day posts!

Thank you all for reading my posts, have a lovely day and don't stop smiling. :)

Hannah, xx


  1. Totally understand! i'm in uni too & know how hard it can be to get a good post up twice a week, if even that!

    1. Yeah, I'm trying my best though! It's just so hectic unfortunately :(

  2. I try not to fit to a blogging schedule as I think you should just blog where you can, most will understand that having a hectic life means you cant blog every single day and replying to all comments isnt always possible. And quality is always better than quantity.
    Hope you're enjoying uni life and its not too stressful for you :)

    1. Yeah that's a good point! Second year is even busier than first year, but I'm keeping my head high! :)


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