Friday 8 August 2014

The Secrets of Blogging Tag!

Hello everyone! I was tagged by the lovely MyBeautySleuth to do The Secrets of Blogging Tag.. So I'm gonna do it now. Obviously. Why did I even just say that, it's so obvious- oKAY HERE WE GO.

1. When did you start blogging and why?  

I've always loved writing, I've kept a diary on and off since I was 10 and I used to use Tumblr every day solid for years and used to blog constantly on that. Then through the wonders of YouTube I discovered beauty youtubers and their blogs, and I began to read them. THEN I discovered there was this huge community of beauty bloggers on here and one day after reading all these blogs, I decided to just give it a go myself. I just kinda thought, if I enjoy reading them so much then surely I'll enjoy writing them just as much (which is true by the way).

2. How many people in 'real life' know about your blog?

Honestly, just my Mum and my boyfriend. And neither of them have ever actually seen my blog.. I kinda just want to keep it to myself at the moment, it's like my little corner of the internet that only I really know about. Well, and you reading.

3.What are your favourite posts to read?

Honestly, anything. I love knowing what products people like, be in make-up, skincare, body care, haircare.. I love seeing people's favourites, what people didn't like and why, FOTDs & OOTDs, and I also really like in between all that just posts about the people themselves - what they did at the weekend or what's on their mind.

4. List a blog you have recently discovered?

I only very recently (within the last week) discovered Gabriella from velvetgh0st, I actually discovered her through YouTube so this probably is cheating but oh my lord, I am addicted to watching her videos and reading her blog at the moment! She has such a wonderful character and is so funny :)

5. What post are you most proud of?

Oh God I don't actually know.. Let me go and look. Okay, I'm back (imagine 5 minutes passed whilst I looked through my posts) and I'd have to say this one, it made me quite emotional reading it again.

6.What advice would you give to future bloggers?

Have fun, be creative, do whatever you want.. It is your blog remember!

I tag:

Emmi from emmihearts
Elise from e-eliseetc
Charlotte from ordainingserendipity
Hannah from hannahheartss
Brianna from glazeover
Claire from clairabelle0306
Jesscia from perfectfixations

(I found it so hard not to basically just tag everyone I follow)

Have a lovely day, and don't stop smiling. :)

Hannah, xx


  1. Lovely post. I love reading such tag's fun!

  2. Your 'why you started blogging' story is just like mine :) I love the community bloggers have too! It's amazing!!


  3. Sounds like a really fun tag! Tags are so fun to read because you can get to know another fellow blogger. (=
    xx | kim&kyle

  4. I love Velvet Gh0sts video's too - she comes across as so real, and genuine unlike many youtubers xx

    Gemma | Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. I totally agree! She says it as it is and she is just hilarious - I've been watching all her videos a lot recently xxx

  5. Great blog :) Thanks very much for your comment!

  6. Thanks for tagging me sweetie :)

  7. Thank you for tagging me, this was a nice post to read :) I kept my blog to myself for a long time, it has taken over two years to make it public to my friends.
    Amy x

    1. You're welcome! Yeah I don't know if I'm ready to show everyone my blog, I've not actually shown anyone it yet, I've only said in passing I have one :) x


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